You’re here because you’re trying to parent your child in a way that supports their emotional and mental wellbeing but their behaviour is leaving you overwhelmed and frustrated and you find yourself reacting in ways that leave you feeling guilty.

Maybe you’re also trying to heal your own inner child wounds and give your child a different experience to the one you had growing up, while still trying to show up and meet your child’s needs.

I suspect you have spent countless hours researching, listening to webinar’s, podcasts, read books, blogs, social media posts.

You may have even consulted professionals, education staff, therapists and you’re still left feeling out of your depth and unsupported.

I know that you have days where you feel like you’re failing. You’re trying so hard to parent in a way that is nurturing and connected but you just don’t know how to manage your child’s behaviour and nothing you have tried is working.

You’re confused about how best to help them and you feel lost and alone .

It’s hard to parent in a non traditional way when there is so much pressure from the world around you to be tougher on your child.

Or prehaps it is your own behaviour you are struggling to manage, despite knowing all the tools on how to support your child you just can’t stay regulated enough to actually implement them

I know how hard it is and I can help. I’ve been where you are now and I made it my mission to understand how to support children with behaviour that is challenging and their families.

I can help you move from this place of desperation to one of hope, regardless of the challenges you’re facing.

I promise you there is light at the end of the tunnel and it isn’t as far away or as complicated to reach as you might think.

My parent coaching focuses around the 3 key ideas of Peaceful Parenting:

  1. Regulate your own emotions:

    Before we can expect our children to regulate their own emotions we have to first ensure that we are regulated ourselves.

    Sadly so many of us weren’t brought up being taught how to do this and have had to, instead find ways to numb, shut out, suppress or run away from our feelings without knowing how to process them.

    I’m here to help you understand what your emotions are and how to embrace them, which in turn leads to greater emotional intelligence and regulation.

  2. Connect with your child:

    Connection is a basic human need, but in this day and age it is so hard to find real, meaningful connection due to how busy life can be.

    I’ll help you identify areas where you can reconnect with yourself and open the way to more meaningful connection with your children and loved ones.

  3. Coach instead of control.

    Most of us have grown up the narrative that it is a parents job to ‘control’ their children.

    If you decide to work with me I’ll help you unpack just how harmful that old narrative is and why it’s preventing you from the cooperation you so desperately seek from your children.

    Instead of controlling we need to be coming alongside our children to support them in developing the skills they need to navigate the challenges they face.

As your coach I will use my experience and expertise to cater to your needs, ensuring that you receive tailored guidance for your specific challenges.
I provide a judgment free space filled with compassion and curiosity within which a relationship of safety and trust can be developed, not only with each other but most importantly with yourself! 

 I look forward to working with you so you better understand why your child behaves as they do and how you can help them.