Embodied Processing

What is it?

Embodied processing is a Trauma-Informed Somatic Approach for Working With Chronic Stress & Nervous System Dysregulation, which helps us to draw on the body’s innate intelligence to discharge stress, heal, and return to homeostasis. 
 It is an evidence informed, integrative and holistic approach to embodied transformation, designed to work with the whole person from the bottom up, top down and inside out. Grounded in both the latest neuroscience as well as ancient healing traditions, Embodied processing incorporates and draws inspiration from many cutting edge modalities including Somatic Experiencing (SE), Polyvagal Theory (Stephen Porges), NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), NeuroAffective Touch (NATouch), Internal Family Systems (IFS), The Diamond Approach (Open Ended Inquiry), Compassionate Inquiry (CI) and more.
Emotional distress, survival stress, trauma, anxiety, depression; all of this lives as unprocessed constrictions in our body. The Embodied Process is a technique used to safely meet and digest unprocessed life experiences, which in turn has the ability to lift us up to experiencing higher levels of freedom within our physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological experience. 

Over our life time we learn various ways to manage our more uncomfortable feelings by suppressing them, distracting ourselves from them or simply numbing them out. Some examples of the ways in which we do this is in the form of smoking, drinking, over spending, disordered eating or drug use.

We may find we have difficulty managing our emotions or that we behave in ways that cause us to feel ashamed. More often than not we experience low self esteem, difficulty sleeping, procrastination, over thinking, people pleasing, difficulty setting boundaries, fear of conflict and unhealthy relationships.

Embodied Processing is an effective way of finding the root cause to these challenges and offers the opportunity to rewrite limiting beliefs and free up some of the burdens from the past so that we can be more present and in touch with our true selves.

As a trauma informed modality building up a relationship in which you feel safe is incredibly important, it is for this reason I don’t offer one off initial sessions as the first session is vital for building up rapport.

For EP students I am able to offer a discount on sessions. Please include proof of your enrollment on the EP course when contacting me.